
The Proposal


With a three day weekend ahead and no plans, Rihanne settled in for a relaxing evening at home of baseball and pizza with her boyfriend. When she went into the room to change after work and wind down, her new weekender bag was sitting on the bed with sunglasses perched on top...her mind began to wonder. She noticed a card by the bag that read..."    "  she kind of got a feeling something was going on but didn't want to ask about it.  Before they headed to bed he surprised her with tickets to a baseball game the next afternoon - in San Francisco! After a great experience at a new baseball stadium (4 down 26 to go), a fabulous dinner at a great Italian restaurant, a little sight seeing, and after dinner drinks at the best place in San Francisco for a margarita Craig took Rihanne back to the hotel room with a  bottle of champagne. With the lights of San Francisco glittering in the background Craig was down on a knee asking Rihanne to be his wife!